Later my friend Jen D. rolled through giving me a much needed hug and asking, "What are you going to do now?" We had found out that the building was being renovated for a hair salon. The fourth one on the same block! I told Jen that I was going to bust in on opening day of the salon with my hair picked out and a hole cut in the back and yell, "You see what these bitches did to my hair! You don't wanna get your hair done here!" Jen laughed and retorted, "You are a hot ass mess!" And I was. I would never do that, it wasn't their fault that we lost out on the location. It's just how business goes. We will find another location.
So to digress, what I am thankful for this year is that I made it through. I met a version of myself that I didn't even know existed. I am a fighter. I got beat down by 2009 like it was Kimbo Slice and still got up and went back in the cage for more. When I had my son back in 2007, I was in labor for two days. Yes two full painful days. (And I even hosted a dinner party and cooked a fabulous dinner while having contractions) At one point I was in intolerable pain in my mother's arms on the way to the hospital. I was shaking and crying and she was whispering to me that I was "a Guyton woman" and that I was" strong and could handle this". I ,of course, whimpered back that I was "not strong"and "needed pain drugs NOW!". But again she calmly reassured me that I was, it was in my bloodline. Two years later I realized that she was right. Guyton women are some of the baddest bitches on the block. I am proud to be one. So "thank you" 2009 for being such a beast, because without you I never would have grown to the person I am today.